gun是什么意思 您所在的位置:网站首页 machine gun 是什么意思 gun是什么意思


2024-05-07 19:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 枪;炮A gun is a weapon from which bullets or other things are fired.


e.g. He produced a gun and he came into the house...他掏出枪来,走进房子。e.g. The inner-city has guns and crime and drugs and deprivation.市中心的贫民区充斥着滥用枪支、犯罪、吸毒和贫困问题。

2. 发令枪A gun or a starting gun is an object like a gun that is used to make a noise to signal the start of a race.

e.g. The starting gun blasted and they were off.发令枪响了,他们冲了出去。

3. 把…发动起来;给…加大油门;使加速To gun an engine or a vehicle means to make it start or go faster by pressing on the accelerator pedal.

e.g. He gunned his engine and drove off.他发动引擎,驱车而去。

4. see also: airgun;machine-gun;shotgun;sub-machine gun

5. 全力以赴;鼓足干劲If you come out with guns blazing or with all guns blazing, you put all your effort and energy into trying to achieve something.

e.g. The company came out with guns blazing.公司鼓足了劲要大干一番。

6. 抢先行动;过早地行动If you jump the gun, you do something before everyone else or before the proper or right time.

e.g. It wasn't due to be released until September 10, but some booksellers have jumped the gun and decided to sell it early.这本书定于9月10号发行,但是一些书商已抢先一步,决定提前销售。

7. 坚持自己的立场;固执己见;一意孤行If you stick to your guns, you continue to have your own opinion about something even though other people are trying to tell you that you are wrong.

e.g. He should have stuck to his guns and refused to meet her.他本应坚持己见,拒绝与她会面。

相关词组:gun downgun for






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